The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 148. The Young Maid's Sorrow

mersiowsky - 6-8-2014 at 06:52 PM

(From Laubusch)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

I am sorrowful, but I
dare not tell my beloved.

He has removed himself from me,
why, I myself do not know.

Yet truly about it,
as I yesterday went with another.

Yet (I) did not go with him,
(as) I said not a word to him.

(He) now went away, to where I know not,
road and bridge are everywhere.

Over the Elbe, over the sea,
my sorrow goes along.

If yet my beloved knew that,
He would certainly come to comfort me.

(He) knew of it a long time, yet his concern,
he concerns about me no more.

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