B. 200. The Flood, Heaven, and Hell
(From Maya Rubyn in Burk)
Translated by John Buerfeind
Prior to the dooms day
Things were not very pleasant.
Icy rains were falling
And cold winds were blowing.
* * *
Noah sent
To the world below
Two very nice ravens.
They flew all over, flew
Forty long days
And forty long nights.
Noah, dear Noah,
All people have drowned,
They are in the water.
Noah sent
To the world below
Two very nice doves.
They flew all over, flew
Forty long days
And forty long nights.
They flew, yes they flew
Back again to Noah.
Noah, dear Noah
Take out the bass trombone.
Stir up the people,
The living and the dead.
* * *
Wake up, lovely soul,
Return to your body.
Move from your body
To paradise.
In paradise
Is great happiness.
There the souls are at play
And the angels are singing.
In hell, however
It is very unfriendly.
Angry spirits are howling,
Shrieking there so horribly.
No known music.