Translated by Martin Strauch.
Music provided by
Melvin Schiwart.
Wendish Research Exchange
With joy we meet here today
to dance here together among friends.
may the songs sound all around in the hall,
so all sorrows will be quickly forgotten.
Fiddlers now play the most wonderful songs!
Brother, take the girl and begin to dance.
Inn-keeper now fill our glasses
and let us drink for our health.
and when the fest will be over, all of us will say:
What a joy among our youth,
the older will long for their youth.
We want to meet and when the fest will be over, all of us will say:
What a joy among our youth,
the older will long for their youth.
7. Wjasele źinsa
Njebjelčańska tšojka Jan Bulank
pśest. Monika Słokowa
Marcia, pochod
Wja-se-le źin-sa my zma-ka-my how se
sa pśi-ja-śel-stwo we zgro-ma-dnej rej-ce.
Spi-wy daś za-klin-ce pśez ce-lu žur-lu,
sta-ro-sći tak se wžy-kne za-by-dnu.
Ger-se, něnt graj-śo nej-rěd-njej-še štu-cki!
Bra-tśik, wzej źow-ćko a mal-snje do rej-ki!
Kjarc-maŕ, tak na-lej nam na-še gła-ža-cki!
Pij-my k stro-wo-sći!
Ka-ka jo to ra-dosć z na-šej’ mło-źi-nu,
Gaž b’źo swě-źeń mi-mo, gro-ni kuž-dy z nas:
sta-re pó-že-da-ju zas za mlo-do-sću.
Scha-do-waś se co-my pša-wje ce sto zas!
Today With Joy.wma (1.8MB)
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