To the Honorable Legislature of the State of Texas:
The undersigned citizens of Fayette County not being residents of the new county proposed, but being fully persuaded that our fellow citizens, who
petitioned you have suffered many evils, and knowing the great inconvenience and expense to which they have been subjected for many years in
consequence of their remoteness from a county seat, beg that their petition for a new county may be granted them with the following described
boundaries, Viz:
Beginning in Washington on the H&TC ROW, 3 miles east of Ledbetter, thence to Allegator Creek, thence down Allegator Creek to Turkey Creek,
thence down Said creek to Cedar Creek, thence down Cedar Creek to its confluence with the Yegua, up the Yegua to the mouth of the west Yegua, thence
to the S. E. corner of the Bynum League in Burleson Co. Thence with the E. boundary line of Said League continuing in Said direction to the Milam Co
line, thence with the line of Milam and Burleson Co’s to the W. corner of Burleson co, thence E. with the Burleson and Bastrop Co line to the S. W.
corner of the G. Eschberger Survey, thence a direct line to the S. W. corner of the J. H. Bostwick League in Bastrop Co, thence to the N. W. corner of
the Muckey League, thence to the S. W. corner of the David G. Green Survey in Fayette Co, thence in a direct line to the S. corner of the John Pain
Survey, thence in a direct line to the beginning.