(From Laubusch)
Translated by Ed Bernthal
I have to die, yes die,
But when? That I do not know.
Terrible sickness will throw
Me down the first time.
Now gathered around me
Are all my good friends,
Who gladly want to help me,
Wherefor? They do not know.
I have to die, yes die
But when? That I do not know.
Terrible sickness will throw
Me down a second time.
Now gathered around me
Are all my relatives and neighbors:
Who gladly want to help me,
Wherfore? They do not know.
Terrible sickness will throw
Me down a third time.
Death is drawing near to me,
A terrible death.
From this sinful world
He wants to save me,
To the lovely green cemetery
He wants to carry me.
For snakes and worms I will be
Brought as their food,
With wreaths bells will ring out
For me for the last time.
From the cemetery they go away
My friends who already are squabbling;
And are concerned very little
About where the soul is going.
Thoughts of Death.mp3 (1.8MB)
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