2. Běži woda
Written by Mikławš Hajna
Music: Andante espressivo - morawski hłós - moravian melody
1. Bě-ži wo-da, bě-ži z ho-row de-le k mo-rju,
přez do-mi-zu serb-sku, sta-ro-daw-nu lu-bu
přez do-mi-zu serb-sku, sta-ro-daw-nu lu-bu.
2. Do na-še-ho kra-ja, Ser-bow sta-roh’ ra-ja
wó-jnu, smjerć a kwak-lu zan-jesł zły je su-sod
wó-jnu, smjerć a kwak-lu zan-jesł zły je su-sod.
3. Ko-ło ča-sow so wjer-ći, nad-źej we mni wu-budźa:
Swo-bo-da ći ki-wa, sta-ra mo-ja Łu-ži-ca
Swo-bo-da ći ki-wa, sta-ra mo-ja Łu-ži-ca!
2. The Water Runs
Translated by Gerald Stone
1. The water runs, runs down to the sea from the hills,
Through the Wendish homeland, ancient and beloved,
Through the Wendish homeland, ancient and beloved.
2. To our land, the old paradise of the Wends
A wicked neighbour brought war, death, and the yoke,
A wicked neighbour brought war, death, and the yoke,
3. Time’s wheel is turning, rousing hopes within me;
Freedom beckons to you, my old Lusatia
Freedom beckons to you, my old Lusatia!
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