Trebendorf -
Trebendorf - Wikipedia
Meyers Orts:
Trebendorf, 1) village and knight’s estate, Prussia, Brandenburg, government district is Frankfurt, rural district office, lower
district court, military district office is in Cottbus, post office is in Simmersdorf, Gorau. train station is 5.2 km in Gross Koelzig; 341 residents
in Trebendorf and 51 residents in the knight’s estate in 1910, telegraph, civil registration office, district government office, distillery.
Trebendorf, 2) village (with group of small homes called Neu Trebendorf), Prussia, Silesia, government district of Liegnitz, county
is Rothenburg, Upper Lusatia, lower district court is in Weisswasser, military district office in in Muskau, civil registration office, post office,
telegraph, and train station is 2.2 km in Schleife, upper Lusatia; 537 residents in 1910.