(From Lohsa)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank
One year there stood the water,
One year there stood the water,
Where the beloved, his horse drank.
Where he spoke with his Maegdelein,
Where he spoke with his Maegdelein,
The beautiful-white-red Maegdelein.
'Will you truly travel forth with us,
Will you truly travel forth with us,
You beautiful-white-red Maegdelein?'
"With you truly I will travel forth,
With you truly I will travel forth,
My old mother does not care."
'So push with the little apple,
So push with the little apple,
The beautiful-white-red little apple.'
'Where the apple will move,
Where the apple will move,
There you will go to him.'
The maid pushed with the little apple,
The maid pushed with the little apple,
The beautiful-white-red little apple.
The little apple moved ever forward,
The little apple moved ever forward,
It moved in N. N's new house.
Hans stood there on the threshold,
Hans stood there on the threshold,
And thought to himself thus and so:
'Yes that is such a little apple,
Yes that is such a little apple,
As my sweetheart's cheeks.'
The lad pushed with the little apple,
The lad pushed with the little apple,
The beautiful-white-red little apple.
Where the little apple would go,
Where the little apple would go,
To there will he go to her.
The little apple moved ever forward,
The little apple moved ever forward,
It moved to N. N. new house.
Beautiful Annette stood on the threshold,
Beautiful Annette stood on the threshold,
And thought to herself such and so:
"Yes that is such a little apple,
Yes that is such a little apple,
As my sweetheart's cheeks"
At N. N.'s there is great suffering,
But at N. N's great joy
The young woman gives the man an escort.
With bounding jingling horses,
With bounding jingling horses,
With a fine well-shod wagon.
The Apple as a Love Guide.mp3 (710kB)
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