(from Laubusch)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank
Lively, lively now, my brown steed,
Yet a little while toward evening,
We came there toward Lubuscha,
Remain standing there before the most beautiful house.
Remain standing there before the most beautiful house,
No person wanted to go out to it.
But yes, there came the beautiful girl,
Yes, the faithful loved one came out.
'You are welcome to me, you lad, from the distance,
'Dismount for me from your horse.
'Dismount for me from your horse,
'Please come with me into the room.
"(I) will not go with you into the room,
"Give us, my girl, only the hands here.
'Both hands I do not give you,
'Both hands, no! Never.
Handsome is Matthias Matiza ,
Beautiful is Maria Kowarik.
The Handsome and the Beautiful.mp3 (1.1MB)
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