The Wendish Research Exchange

Lutheran Cemetery Mapping

webmaster - 4-6-2012 at 10:54 AM

  1. Objective: Family historians would like to partner with area Lutheran churches to help them develop a comprehensive map of their cemetery to show all existing grave markers and probable locations of non-existing grave markers. Maps could locate individual graves and graves would link to further information about the decedent.
  2. Participants: Weldon Mersiovsky, Ron Schatte, Suzanna Carter, Sue Pelosi, others
  3. Project Manager: Jan Pelosi, Suzanna Carter
  4. Cost:
  5. Status: See Jan Pelosi
  6. Who has materials: Weldon Mersiovsky, Find a Grave, Jan Pelosi
  7. What is needed:

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Proof of Concept Ready

webmaster - 10-23-2012 at 04:25 PM

A web page has been created which provides an idea of how one could present a cemetery map, and link from the individual grave locations to further information. This is a sample only.
