The Wendish Research Exchange

Kaulfürst, Fabian and Lubina Mahling:The Adelaide Hymnbook. Its Cultural-Historical Location and its Linguistic-Historical...

mersiowsky - 12-6-2023 at 11:09 AM

Lětopis Abstract 2023:Fabian Kaulfürst, Lubina Mahling:The Adelaide Hymnbook. Its Cultural-Historical Location and its Linguistic-Historical Classification.

In the Autumn of 2021 Trudla Malinkowa discovered a handwritten Sorbian hymnbook in the Lutheran archives in Adelaide, which is examined academically in the following article for the first time. The hymnbook must be classified as being influenced by Pietism, and it represents a non-ecclesiastical form of piousness. The included songs circulated in private worship gatherings, so called conventicles.”

The hymnbook, as an authentic historical text, provides documentary evidence of a Sorbian hymn and literary culture in the 19th century, which presents manifold examples of phenomena in Sorbian studies, which have partly been given little attention before, such as, the orthographic originality of Sorbian manuscripts. As a result, new perspectives in describing the history of cultural, literary, and linguistic developments in Sorbian studies are opened.

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