The Wendish Research Exchange

Sand, Bastrop County, Texas

mersiowsky - 8-30-2017 at 06:42 AM

SAND, TEXAS (Bastrop County). Sand, named for the sandy post oak lands surrounding it, was in the far eastern corner of Bastrop County near the intersection of the Bastrop, Lee, and Fayette county lines. Ernest J. Lawrence (possibly Lorentschk) opened a Sand post office in his general store in 1898.

In 1900 the community had a sawmill and twenty-five people. In 1910 it supported a cotton gin, an apiary, and a sorghum mill, and its population stood at thirty-five. But the community soon declined, and the post office closed in 1929.

By 1946 Sand had disappeared from county maps. No population figures are listed for Sand in twentieth-century Texas Almanacs.

Handbook of Texas Online, Paula Mitchell Marks, "Sand, TX (Bastrop County)"

If Sand is the same as Sandy Creek, the following appear in the St Paul Lutheran Church, Serbin, baptismal book as living on Sandy Creek: Michael Hering, Andreas Wuensche, Matthaus Lorentschk, Johann Drosche, Carl Wihelm Krueger, Ernst Donat, August Moritz Bernstein, Carl Friedrich Vogel, Carl Gottlieb Wagner, and Traugott Fasske.

From Jim Wheat's POSTMASTERS & POST OFFICES OF TEXAS, 1846 – 1930, the following were postmasters in Sand.

SAND (Bastrop)
Lawrence, Ernest J., 18 Jun 1898 (possibly the son of Matthaus Lorentschk)
Wenke Jr., Henry, 18 Nov 1898
Mitschke, Henry, 30 Nov 1903
(Order rescinded 25 Mar 1904)
Wenke Jr., Henry, 18 Nov 1898
Wenke, Henry C., 26 Oct 1912
Discontinued 15 May 1929; mail to Giddings

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Post Card: 1915

Dan Bednarski - 8-31-2017 at 09:21 AM

A post card postmarked at the post office in Sand, Texas. Sent to a resident of Winchester, Texas. The card was sent to a relative of one of the early postmasters of Sand.

With Sand having their own post office for a period of time, I think Sandy Creek would have been a separate town. Or, possibly not even a town, but rather an area referred to by those local to this area. We see many references in obituaries to someone being a "farmer at Rabbs Creek" or a "farmer at Long Prairie". There is a passage in Pastor Birkmann's works stating "Later he lived again in Serbin with his other son, Andreas Wuensche, on Sandy Creek".

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Found Sandy Creek

Dan Bednarski - 9-3-2017 at 04:27 PM

One of my better half's cousins currently lives on Sandy Creek. His property also fronts along 77 to the east.

Sandy Creek is also very near the grave site of James Goacher & family. This grave site is just, I'd say, a couple hundred feet max from the fence-hopping stairway over the barbed wire fence along the south side of county road 217 (somewhere between The Bullpen and county road 216). I visited that commemorative marker and the grave site about 5 years ago. Also... the commemorative marker is NOT visible from the road. One needs to hop the fence to view it (at the stairway). It is in a somewhat densely wooded area.

For a satellite map view of this Goacher Memorial Site:
Click or tap for Map.

Whether or not you are trespassing and will be shot at is beyond the scope of my info here.