The Wendish Research Exchange

17. So Nazdala Nam Zabłyskuje - Happiness in Hope

mersiowsky - 10-19-2016 at 01:22 PM

17. So nazdala nam zabłyskuje
(Choral, Eternity)

Written by Jan Kilian

Music: Moderato

1. So na-zda-la nam za-bły-sku-je
ta jas-nosć mě-sta Bo-že-ho,
kónc pu-sći-ny so při-bli-žu-je,
so pře-stać bu-dźe cuz-ni-stwo.

2. Přez wjele styskow nutř my dźemy
do njebjeskeho kralestwa,
so ze rženjom pak zradujemy
we swjatej mocy žiwjenja.

3. Dar wěčny nam je zawdawany
we słowje Božej’ miłosće,
nam duch so hori wujednany
a spěwa psalmy nadźije.

4. My pasemy so hižo tudy
na jehnjećowych zahonach,
a přińdźe-li tež hěca druhdy,
da dobry tróšt je w wutrobach.

5. My Jezom Chrysta lubujemy,
kiž pola nas je wžitke dny,
a skoro k njemu doćehnjemy
do dobyća, do frejoty.

6. Haj, wěrje našej pokazane
je krónow město nazdala,
tam budźe přebywanje rjane,
tam widźa swjeći Jezusa.

17. Happiness in Hope

Translated by Viera Buzgova 2010
Lyrics by Martin Doering 2010

1. There is a brightness in God's city,
an invitation, seen from afar.
The wasteland's wandering soon is over;
we're moving to our guiding star.

2. Anxieties distract and tempt us
to wander from our heavenward way.
But soon exciting celebrations
will fill the life of endless day.

3. Eternal gifts are given to us,
the grace of God's sure, merciful Word.
In Christ, our reconciliation
gives voice as psalms of hope are heard.

4. Already grazing in the garden,
our daily bread, God's generous care,
we face our struggles, fight death's shadows.
Christ is our comfort; Christ, our prayer.

5. We have this promise: Jesus loves us!
His Spirit guides us all of our days.
Soon we shall see Him in that city
and dwell with him in endless praise.

6. God's covenant is our corona,
a beacon beaming faithfully here.
Let others witness heaven's children
and see in us our Savior dear.

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