mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 08:59 PM
Lětopis Abstract 2014 1: Dudek, Agnieszka: The Function of (Protective) School Associations 100 Years Ago and Today, Using the Examples of
Teschen in Silesia and Lusatia
Using the example of the Teschen School Association, Macierz Szkolna dla Księstwa Cieszyńskiego, (founded in 1885 in
Teschen/Austrian Silesia) and the Sorbian School Association, Serbske šulske towarstwo, (founded in 1991 in Crostwitz/Upper Lusatia) the
phenomenon of school or protective associations and their role in multi-ethnic regions 100 years ago and today are compared. Central to these
discussions is the complex nature of these diffuse, delicate concepts, protective or school associations, peculiar to particular regions, which will
be illustrated using the two examples mentioned above. The sets of diverse problems relating to cultural hybridity and multilingualism are discussed,
which continue to be relevant in this context in border regions, and which are closely connected with the regional and national identities of