mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 10:54 AM
Lětopis Abstract 2012 2: Dołowy-Rybińska, Nicole: The Preservation of Cultural Identity. Ethnic Consciousness and Institutional
Support of Young Upper Sorbs [presented in English]
One of the greatest challenges that confront every ethnic and linguistic minority is ensuring continuity. Only by doing this can the language continue
to be used and the consciousness of group identity preserved. In today’s world, which is shaped by migration, the new media, as well as social and
demographic problems, it is mostly no longer enough to leave responsibility for bringing up the younger generation exclusively to the parents. Young
people are subject to far stronger cultural influences than earlier generations. They live in a transcultural world, change their place of residence
more easily, are more likely to be citizens of the world than inhabitants of one particular “home“ area. The choice of ethnic identity, consciousness
of belonging to a particular culture and feeling responsible for it is less a result of their upbringing in the family, but depends to a large extent
on the actions and activities in which young people are involved, for example on friends with similar interests and on the specific values of a
minority culture. This piece contains the report from a cultural field study carried out in Upper Lusatia in 2010. The analysis is based on
interviews, which were conducted with young Sorbs aged 16–25 years.