The Wendish Research Exchange

Schunka, Alexander: The Sorbs and Lusatia in International Protestantism of the 18th Century

mersiowsky - 10-2-2016 at 11:53 AM

Lětopis Abstract 2009 1: Schunka, Alexander: The Sorbs and Lusatia in International Protestantism of the 18th Century

A particular feature of the Protestant community at the turn of the 18th century was its numerous cross-border contacts. This intensive exchange of ideas reflected the splits between the large Christian faiths and at the same time the emergence of new religious movements. Both parts of Lusatia were affected fundamentally by these intellectual developments.

The author illustrates international religious policy between Great Britain and Brandenburg-Prussia and gives a detailed account of the Sorbian example. The interest in Lusatia in the early modern period was linked on the one hand to the specific ethnic preconditions, and on the other hand to the religious and cultural situation. This area provided a bridge in central Europe, in which questions of language, religion and ethnic identity aroused particular attention around 1700.