mersiowsky - 8-3-2016 at 05:14 PM
This is as far as we have gotten in searching for articles that contain key words like Texasa, Americi, Kiliana,
Australije. If you would like to help, you can contact the Wendish Research Exchange and we will
give you further instructions. In the meantime, you can try your hand by following the instructions that follow.
Go to Sorbian Institut. Click on "Bibliothek-Archiv" and then "Bibliothek"and you will see a button for "Zeitschriften" (Newspapers) and "Digitalizate
im Internet" (Manuscripts and printed material) that have been digitalized at the Sorbian Institute.
Clicking on "Zeitschriften" will allow you to see and download all issues of the Serbske Nowiny and other newspapers that are searchable.
Clicking on "Digitalizate im Internet" will allow you to see "Handschriften"(manuscripts) and "Drucke" (printed material).
If you find an article let me know and we will find someone who will translate it for us.