The Wendish Research Exchange

092.210 Minutes Extract, 14th Convention of Texas Synod [ELCA Archives] 19-23 April 1866

mersiowsky - 5-9-2016 at 08:49 PM

of the 14th Meeting
of the
First Evangelical Lutheran
Synod of Texas
Held in Serbin, Bastrop County
From 19th to 23rd April 1866

(p. 200)

Delegate Fr. Klein presented his written certification as a delegate from the St. Peters Congregation in Serbin, and as such was accepted.

(p. 205)

Parochial Report

Name of Pastor – C. Rudi
Residence – Serbin
Congregations - 2
Preaching Places - 2
Baptisms -14
Confirmations - 5
Communicants -87
Marriages - 2
Burials - 4
Schools - 1
Offerings – Home Missions -
Outer Missions -
Synodical Treasury -