This article first appeared in the Fayette County Record on July 16, 1954.
Serbin Church Centennial is Celebrated
St. Paul Lutheran church, Serbin, observed its centennial Sunday, July 11, with services in the German, English and Wendish languages.
In the morning Dr. Oliver Harms, member of the Board of Directors of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, of Houston, addressed the audience in
English, stating that “what the Saxon immigrants of Altenburg, Missouri, in 1839, meant to Lutheranism in the North the Wendish immigrants in 1854
meant to Lutheranism in the South, especially Texas.”
The Rev. F. H. Stelzer of Thorndale, delivered the German sermon recounting the blessings that this congregation had experienced during the 100 years.
There, were 2,334 baptisms, 2,335 confirmations, 611 weddings and 1,065 funerals.
In the afternoon the Rev. Gustave Zoch of Taylor, delivered, the English sermon, pointing out the many contributions the congregation has rendered to
the state and to the nation. The Rev. L Werner of Marlin delivered the German sermon, urging the younger generation to continue in the work of God,
who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
At the end of the German service in the afternoon a short but unique service was held in the Wendish language, at which time the Rev. Theo. Schmidt of
Trinity Hill delivered the principal address reminding the congregation of the blessings received and urging them to continue steadfastly in the faith
of their fathers. The Rev. B. H. Fritsche of Denver, Colorado, read the 145 Psalm in the Wendish language and closed the service with the benediction.
A group of 60 voices sang various songs in Wendish.
During these 100 years, St. Paul's has had the following pastors: The Revs. John Kilian, 1854-1884; Herman Kilian, 1883-1920; Herman Schmidt,
1922-1947; Arthur Arndt, 1948 to the present.
The following teachers served in the Christian Day school: Gerhard Kilian, 1868-1916; P. Zieschang, 1915-1917; E. W. Traugott, 1916-1920; Herman
Schroeder, 1917-1926; L. O. Kasper, 1920-1948; Student Walter Gersch, 1926-27; H. E. Weiser, 1927-1954; Miss Ruth Schmidt, 1927-1942; Mrs. H. E.
Weiser, 1950-1954.
It was in 1854 that a group of some 550 Wends, under the leadership of Rev. John Kilian, left Prussia because of religious oppression. They landed at
Galveston, on Dec. 16, 1854, after encountering many hardships on their voyage across the Atlantic. Some 70 persons died of cholera.
From Galveston they continued their journey westward, till they finally settled at Rabb's Creek, near the present site of Warda. Here they immediately
erected a church and school, to provide for the spiritual needs of its parishioners. The present stone church was erected in 1871. The present school
was built in 1916, with an additional room added in 1926.
St. Paul Lutheran church has thus become the mother congregation of most of the congregations in Lee and Fayette counties, as well as of various
others throughout the state.
Of the boys who had entered either the ministry or the teaching profession, the following are still active: The Revs. B. Fritsche of Denver, Colorado;
L. Werner of Marlin; Gustave Zoch of Taylor, C. T. Schmidt, chaplain in the U. S. Air Force, Japan; Theo. Schmidt of Trinity Hill; Herbert Driessner
of Dumas, Raymond Kasper, chaplain U. S Army, Oklahoma; and Mr. John Blasig of Columbus, Nebraska.
The present membership is 485 baptized souls and 385 communicant members. The Christian Day School has an enrollment of 56 pupils, taught by a regular
called teacher, assisted by a lady teacher. The Sunday School has an enrollment of 242.