mersiowsky - 9-5-2015 at 03:33 PM
(From Mr. P. Bronisch in Jensen)
Translated by Ed Bernthal
Complain that you are sorry, nice girl,
That you went away with the four brown ones,
That you went away with the four brown ones.
Those were not really your brown ones,
Those all really were your brother-in-law’s,
Those all were really your brother-in law’s.
The N.N. are coming to us,
There in the green meadow,
There in the green meadow.
And when they had come to N.N.,
They stayed on the green hill,
They stayed on the green hill.
They started to ask her,
Where is N.N’s new house,
Where is N.N’s new house?
If you would like to see it,
We would gladly show it to you,
We would gladly show it to you.
Good for N.N.'s new house.
We see her green linden standing,
We see her green linden standing,
Under it sits the pretty child,
And is sewing two silken handkerchiefs,
And is making two silken wreaths.
The one she wants to give her loved one,
The other for herself to go to her wedding,
The other for herself to go to her wedding.
The bridegroom’s attendant came to the house,
The girl ran to her new bedroom,
The girls ran to her new bedroom.
Oh Mother, my dear mother,
Don’t let the bestman come to the house,
Till I have hidden myself in the new bedroom.
What good is my defense, what does it help,
Since you are engaged and promised to him,
Since you are engaged and promised to him?
Engaged and promised you certainly are,
You will never be free from your vow,
Since it is the will of God.
* * *
The mother braided the girl’s hair,
And put the wreath on her head,
And put the wreath on her head.
The wreath fell off of her again,
And she caught it quickly in her hand,
And put it on her head again.
So go now with your green wreath,
You will wear it today for the last time,
And you will never wear it again.
Tomorrow your veil will cover you,
With him you will now go every day,
Even as N. Nschen’s young wife.
* * *
She put the girl on the wagon,
Four musicians played wonderfully well,
Four musicians played wonderfully well.
The fiddler played and drummed and drummed and played,
All to the girl’s sadness and regret,
All to the girl’s sadness and regret.
She will never be any happier
Than she was on this day
Than she was on this day.
They led the girl out of the house,
The mother cried so bitterly,
The mother cried so bitterly.
Be still Mother, don’t cry, oh don’t cry,
You still have my young sister,
Who will work diligently for you.
The harder she will work,
The more often I will think of you,
The more often I will think of you.
* * *
Really nice is Hanke N.N., really nice,
Really nice is Hans N.N., really nice,
Really nice is Hans N.N., really nice!
That is a nice noble couple,
Like each other to the hair,
Like each other to the hair.
Pretty red is Hanka, Hanka pretty red,
Nice and lovely is Hans, really lovely and nice,
Nice and lovely is Hans, really lovely and nice.
If they were not so nice,
They would not like each other,
They would not like each other.
And whether they like each other or not,
They will still belong to each other,
They will still belong to each other.
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