The Wendish Research Exchange

197.800 Homann to G Kilian [TWHS 95.013] 5 Aug 1915

mersiowsky - 9-3-2015 at 10:00 AM

Prof. G. A. Kilian
Giddings, Tex
R. F. D. #3

Dear Teacher!

On the other side you see the picture of us and our auto while at the Synod Meeting at Spring. Hopefully you will see all the faces again.

With greetings,
O. Hoemann
Sealy, Texas

Picture Caption:
During the Synod Meeting at Spring Texas, 21 - 27 July 1915

[Translated by Weldon Mersiovsky]

Prof. G. A. Kilian
Giddings, Tex
R. F. D. #3

Geehrter Herr Lehrer!

Auf der andern Seite sehen Sie das Bild unsers autoes während d. Synode zu Spring. Hoffentlich werden Sie alle Gesichter wieder erkennen.

Mit Gruß
O. Hömann
Sealy, Tex

[Labeling of the picture:]
Während der Synode zu Spring Texas 21 - 27 Juli 1915

[Transliterated by Christian Symmank]

197.8.1 Homann to GKilian 5 Aug 1915.jpg - 98kB

197.8.2 Homann to GKilian 5 Aug 1915.jpg - 70kB