mersiowsky - 8-19-2015 at 02:26 PM
Translated by Charles Wukasch.
Wendish Research Exchange
Words by George Paler and John Bulank
Original Translation by Margita Heinrichowa
Polka, happy
1. Never anything so lovely as happened here again.
Could be so enjoyable among us all again.
It gives us joy when the band plays a few stanzas of love.
It gives us joy when the band plays a few stanzas of love.
Life is good whenever we’re dancing merrily.
Life is good whenever we’re dancing merrily.
2. Never so ever have I fallen in love like this,
As this evening with you when setting eyes on you.
It gives us joy when the band plays a few stanzas of love.
It gives us joy when the band plays a few stanzas of love.
Life is good whenever we’re dancing merrily.
Life is good whenever we’re dancing merrily.
8. Žednje tak rědnje njej’ było
Jurij Paler
Jan Bulank
pśest. Margita Heinrichowa
Polka, wjasele
1. Žed-nje tak rěd-nje njej’ by-ło ak źin-sa how zas plan as.
Tak ga by swě-śiš se me-ło mjaz na-mi ce-sćej se zas.
Wja-s’le nam da-jo, gaz ka-pa-ła gra-jo nam štu-cy-cki wó lu-bo sći.
Wja-s’le nam da-jo, gaz ka-pa-ła gra-jo nam štu-cy-cki wó lu-bo sći.
Žy-wje-nje rě-dne jo, gaž how tak wja-so-ło wjer-śi my w rej-ce se.
Žy-wje-nje rě-dne jo, gaž how tak wja-so-ło wjer-śi my w rej-ce se.
2. Žed-nje pak ni-źi tak rěd-nje njej-som se za-lu-bo-wał,
ak źin-sa wja-cor do teb-je do-krad-nje se za-glě-dał.
Wja-s’le nam da-jo, gaz ka-pa-ła gra-jo nam štu-cy-cki wó lu-bo sći.
Wja-s’le nam da-jo, gaz ka-pa-ła gra-jo nam štu-cy-cki wó lu-bo sći.
Žy-wje-nje rě-dne jo, gaž how tak wja-so-ło wjer-śi my w rej-ce se.
Žy-wje-nje rě-dne jo, gaž how tak wja-so-ło wjer-śi my w rej-ce se.