The Wendish Research Exchange

129.500 Kilian to Schaefer and Koradi [CHI, Serbin Collection] 17 Jun 1874

mersiowsky - 8-14-2015 at 09:48 AM

Serbin, Texas, 17 June 1874
Mssrs. Schaefer and Koradi, Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Esquires,

Enclosed are Five Dollars in currency for the copy of Daheim which I have in hand.

Also I point out that during this year our State Legislature created a new county in our region in which I live by the name of Lee County. On 2 June Giddings, the new town on the Houston-Austin railroad, 5 to 6 miles from our residence, was voted the county seat with a large majority. The post office of Serbin remains. My address is now Rev. J. Kilian, Serbin, Lee County, Texas.

Therewith I remain yours faithfully,

Johann Kilian, P.


Letter 129.5 17 Jun 1874.30.jpg - 174kB