mersiowsky - 5-18-2015 at 11:06 PM
To His Excellency
Governor E. J. Davis
Austin, Texas
Your Excellency,
The undersigned have had the opportunity to recommend to the body legislatif [sic] by means of our representative Mr. Julius Schutze a petition,
accompanied by a map for the location of a new County composed of parts of 4 counties (Washington, Burleson, Fayette and Bastrop).
The formation of the new County is most essential to our interests, which in reading the petition Your Excellency will plainly see.
We have high regard for you as proven by the vote, that we entirely and confidentially rely upon your concurrence in this matter, since we consider
ourselves to be a bulwark against crime, and hope to be considered a community, which if our petition should be sanctioned, to form a county, which
considering law and order shall never be surpassed.
Hoping that Your Excellency will please lend a hand in pushing forward the interest of good and law abiding citizen [sic], for which You will have
the thanks of all and everyone of us. We remain
Yours sincerely,
J. Suchy
C. A. Lottman
Carl Lehmann
A. Kappler
F. Kessel
C. G. Jungmichel, J. P.
Serbin, Bastrop County
July 7, 1870
Petition form citizens of
Serbin, Bastrop County
asking that a new county
be formed, etc
Acknowledged July 12, 1870