The Wendish Research Exchange

092.100 Dube to Krause, German version of 092.010, [CHI, Serbin collection] 25 Feb 1866

mersiowsky - 5-14-2015 at 03:17 PM

When Christoph Krause sent a second libelous letter to Pastor Kilian the voters wanted a strong response to Krause's accusations. Pastor Kilian drafted a letter that he gave to Johann Dube to rewrite into his own hand and send to Krause. Since the content of 092.010 and 092.100 are identical we are only posting the original copies of the letter that Johann Dube sent.

Letter 92.1.1 25 Feb 1866.60.jpg - 952kB

Letter 92.1.2 25 Feb 1866.60.jpg - 966kB

Letter 92.1.3 25 Feb 1866.60.jpg - 975kB

Letter 92.1.4 25 Feb 1866.60.jpg - 821kB