The Wendish Research Exchange

090.700 Kilian to Brown, Postmaster, [CHI, Serbin Collection] 9 Sep 1865

mersiowsky - 5-14-2015 at 01:13 PM

To the Hon. Mr Brown at Cunninghams
Serbin on the 9th of September 1865

Dear Sir! As the Confederacy died and the mail contractor Schatte accordingly stopped to ride for Evergreen and Lexington, then the arrangement was made that every week someone from Evergreen should come to receive here the mail – matters for the two post offices of Evergreen and Lexington. This used to be done as long as Engelke was here. But after the departure of Engelke nobody more comes to demand the mail packages for Evergreen and Lexington. Therefore I am not willing to amass and keep here the said packages.

Respectfully yours,

John Kilian, parson

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