mersiowsky - 5-11-2015 at 10:37 PM
Be it known by all men, that a society of immigrated Lutherans, which settled in the year 1855 on low Pinoak Creek, Bastrop Co, Texas, bought ninety
five and a third Acres for their religious purposes, upon which the said society located or built a church and house for the preacher and church house
and bell and fenced in a field for the use of him. In as much as this society believes in all the doctrines and symbols of the Evangelic (sic)
Lutheran Church and denies and renounces all allegiance with any and all other denominations, this society has peremptorily and unanimously resolved,
that the said piece of ground called Church Land, with all the improvements and appurtenances, shall belong and forever be the property of the
Lutheran Evangelical Community and Church, and that -
Furthermore, as soon as any member of said Denomination or Commune should join any other Denomination or a member should be churched or excluded from
this denomination, the member shall lose all rights or interest therein.
The Donation about which this document is issued we verify with our signatures, as the present members of this religious denomination.
In the sixth line from the first line are interlined the words, “and church house and bell.”