The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 323. The Witness of Love

mersiowsky - 10-13-2014 at 12:10 AM

(from Lohsa)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

Behind the barrel in the little garden
Behind the barrel in the little garden
There flows a pure little stream.

There flows in a trough
There flows in a trough
To the trough there leads a foot path.

A maiden goes on the foot path
A maiden goes on the foot path
To draw the water there.

There rode up from the street
There rode up from the street
To the little garden three horsemen.

The horsemen wanted to water their horses
The horsemen wanted to water their horses
With pure water for them to drink.

They said: 'Maid, God be with you!
They said: 'Maid, God be with you!
Would you give us fresh water here?'

"I give you water fresh and pure
I give you water fresh and pure
And water your horses."

He who sat on the brown horse
He who sat on the brown horse
The rider said to the maid thus:

'Three hundred gold pieces would be yours
Three hundred gold pieces would be yours
If you will be my maid!'

"For gold" the maid responded
"For gold" the maid responded
Sir cannot buy my love."

He who sat on the dapple-grey
He who sat on the dapple-grey
The rider said to the maid thus:

'A golden chain would be yours
A golden chain would be yours
If you would be my maid.'

"A golden chain, the maid said
A golden chain, the maid said
That does not buy my love."

He who sat on the white-black
He who sat on the white-black
The third rider said thus:

'A silver little ring that is yours
A silver little ring that is yours
If you will be my maid.'

Then put out a white little finger
Then put out a white little finger
The maid of her bare little ring.

"You, my beloved, I will be
You, my beloved, I will be
Your ring testifies of your love."

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