The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 281. David

mersiowsky - 9-10-2014 at 08:45 PM

(From: Lohse)
Translated by Ed Bernthal

‘Why are you so sad, O David
So that you will not play at all?’

“O, why should I not be sad
When I have no one?”

“My father and my mother died
And are burning in hell.”

“O dear David, my David
Play about the three laws.”

He played about the first law
To Almighty God.

Then he played about the other law
To Mary the pure virgin mild.

Then he played about the third law
To the precious Holy Spirit.

“O David, stop, stop now
You have already won.”

Whoever does not want to believe the song
Should look at the moon.

There he will already see David
In elderberry mittens.

Yes, yes, in elderberry mittens
Standing in an alder jacket.

Then also in willow stockings
And in birch trouser.

No Music