The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 252. The Girls Must Go With the Lads

mersiowsky - 9-5-2014 at 09:11 AM

(from Hermsdorf)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

The lad went from the field toward home.
The lad went from the field toward home.
Be it known, O sinners,
He went toward home.

There he passed by a rose garden,
There he passed by a rose garden,
Be it known, O sinners,
He passed there.

In it there were three girls,
In it there were three girls,
Be it known, O sinners,
Three girls.

The first picked a rose,
The first picked a rose,
Be it known, O sinner,
A rose.

The second raked in the vines,
The second raked in the vines,
Be it known, O sinner,
Raked in.

The third twisted little garlands,
The third twisted little garlands,
Be it known. O sinner,
Little garlands.

She cried about it so much,
She cried about it so much,
Be it known, O sinner,
Cried so much.

The girl must go with the lad,
The girl must go with the lad,
Be it known, O sinner,
Must go.

And Agnes must go with Juergen,
And Agnes must go with Juergen,
Be it known, O sinner,
She must go.

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