mersiowsky - 6-26-2014 at 10:12 PM
(from Uhyst at Taucher)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank
The dear shepherd drove
The dear sheep out,
As all people slept
And peace reigned in the house.
He leads a little lamb out
From his sheep pen,
Carries it to his maiden
There to her little room.
'Do you sleep or are you awake, dear one?
I bring you a little lamb'
"I will not have the little lamb,
A little cloth I desire for me."
'If the cloth (I) do not give you,
The Mother will be angry with me.'
"If you do not give me the cloth,
(Then) you keep your lamb"
'I will give you roses
Various colors and kind,
From these you can wind
Two crowns delicate, soft.'
'The dearest gives you one,
The second he is yours.
"What use is two crowns for me,
If the dearest is not mine!"
'Oh, young girl, be yet still,
You will become mine.'
"Which rose will you give
should I become yours?"
'Green is the first leaves,
Red should the second be,
The third as your nature,
So lovely and so fine.'