The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 093. The Young Lad's First Outing

mersiowsky - 5-12-2014 at 04:21 PM

Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

The young lad desired to get married,
The young lad desired to get married,
Oh but, how does he start it.
Oh but, how does he start it.

He did himself purchase a small steed,
He did himself purchase a small steed,
A beautiful little white horse.
A beautiful little white horse.

With certainty he rode into the town,
With certainty he rode into the town,
To the annual market in the town.
To the annual market in the town.

There he started to put on his presentation,
There he started to put on his presentation,
To boast with the sword.
To boast with the sword.

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