The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 092. The Foolish Dream

mersiowsky - 5-12-2014 at 04:19 PM

(From Lohsa)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

There sat a young lad on the roof,
There sat a young lad on the roof,
There on new shingles.
There on new shingles.

The young lad dreamed a foolish dream
The young lad dreamed a foolish dream
About beautiful young girls.
About beautiful young girls.

He sent out a report in the valley
He sent out a report in the valley
And orphans on the mountain.
And orphans on the mountain.

The report out ran the young fellow,
The report out ran the young fellow,
As she wanted to be beautiful.
As she wanted to be beautiful.

The thistle stuck in the hand,
The thistle stuck in the hand,
The nettles burned very much.
The nettles burned very much.

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