The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 056. The Transformation of the Mourner

mersiowsky - 3-25-2014 at 11:15 AM

(From: Radibor)
Translatd by Ed Bernthal

The youth worked in Pauschwitz,
The girl, the loveliest, was in Kukau.

They loved each other dearly,
But never spoke a word to each other.

Only sent each other messages
Through the little nightingale.

She always flew there with happy mail,
Then once she came with a sad message.

Brought the girl the message
That her beloved suddenly got sick.

That her beloved suddenly got sick,
Suddenly got sick and quickly died.

That she should mourn a year and a day,
Go to church in the green garland.

‘I would rather cry for seven years
Then go to church in the green garland.’

The girl cried for a year and a day,
Never forgot her loved one.

But if she would not stop crying,
The Lord God would punish her.

The Lord God punished the girl
So that she became a tree.

In the morning, she was still white and red,
In the afternoon she was nothing but a green bush.

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