The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 015. Cooled Love

mersiowsky - 3-5-2014 at 10:25 AM

(From Michael Schoen in Wittichenau)
Translated by Ed Bernthal

Turn back the stone to the rough side!
The maiden could not come to her loved one.

She went through hill and valley, O my!
But she never found her loved one.

The maiden went with a sad mind,
She went on the broad street,

Even on the broad street she went,
Even into the fields of Dresden.

There she encountered a noble rider
On a golden chestnut, the mighty horse.

‘Where are you going, my maiden
Where are you going, my fine loved one?’

“I am going, I am going, I am going only
To find my loved one”.

‘I know your loved one very well
Your loved one will now be in Dresden.’

‘His hair and beard have turned gray
His blazing sword is completely rusted.’

‘His beautiful clothes are all torn
His red cheeks have faded.’

‘But if you want to send him a message from you
I will take it along and bring it to him!’

“As much as there is reed grass in Dresden
On each reed grass there is a flower,”

“On each flower there trickles a small drop
That many times I greet the one I love.”

“His beard and hair may have grown gray,
His blazing sword may have rusted completely,”

“His beautiful clothes may be torn,
His red cheeks may have faded,”

“I will nevertheless always be true to him
Just as pure as the lily is in the water.”

“Just as the grain of sand in the ocean,
Just as the leaves on the oak tree,”

“Just as the small leaves on the oak tree,
Just as the grass under the oak tree.”

‘Maiden, don’t you recognize the golden chestnut any more?
Maiden, don’t you recognize the blazing sword any more?”

“If I have forgotten the chestnut horse
And do not recognize the blazing sword,”

“So I don’t know my loved one any more.
He comes dressed altogether differently”

“Dressed in scarlet red color velvet
In all bright green (Brabant);”

“In all bright green (Brabant),
Just as if he were a nobleman.”

‘So step now, my maiden, on my sword,
From my sword step up on my horse,’

‘From my sword step up on my horse:
For now you shall be forever mine!’

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