The Wendish Research Exchange

Dołowy-Rybińska, Nicole: Language and Cultural Practices of Young People from European Linguistic Minorities

mersiowsky - 2-17-2018 at 12:54 PM

Lětopis Abstract 2017 2: Dołowy-Rybińska, Nicole: Language and Cultural Practices of Young People from European Linguistic Minorities

This article is based on field research carried out among young (16–25 years old) members of four European linguistic minorities: Kashubs (in Poland), Upper Sorbs (in Germany), Bretons (in France) and the Welsh (in Wales, UK), conducted between 2012 and 2014 using ethnographic methodology – semi-structured interviews and participant observation. It presents, – from the emic perspective of the young generation – the most important aspects of their sense of cultural insecurity (the negative attitudes of the dominant society against minority cultures and languages, language discrimination and ideologies), which leads to cultural and linguistic assimilation. The second part is devoted to the process of building the cultural security of today’s European linguistic minorities. It includes the image of these cultures, and the route to becoming interested and engaged in these languages’ and cultures’ maintenance and development. Cultural and linguistic activism is perceived as one of the conditions for the survival of these cultures.