The Wendish Research Exchange

Pech, Edmund: Milceni, Luzici and Glomaci-Daleminci. Controversies Concerning the Early History of the Sorbs

mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 09:58 PM

Lětopis Abstract 2015 2: Pech, Edmund: Milceni, Luzici and Glomaci-Daleminci. Controversies Concerning the Early History of the Sorbs

In 631 the Sorbian tribes were mentioned for the first time in written form in the chronicle of Fredegar. Their Prince Dervan, according to the chronicler, deserted the Frankish King Dagobert I and with his followers joined Samo’s Empire, which had come into being in Bohemia and Moravia. As evidence of this early presence of the Sorbs in the Elbe-Saale area archaeologists found a number of early Slav settlements, which were dated to the 6th or 7th Century. This dating of the Slav migration is, however, disputed by recent research evidence. Archaeological remains can be dated more exactly than previously by using dendro-chronology. Archaeologists have examined a large amount of wooden building material in the last two decades, which could be assigned to the 8th Century. On the other hand, evidence from the 6th and 7th Century is completely missing. The researchers conclude from this that no comprehensive Slav settlement east of the Elbe and Saale occurred before the year 700. Further controversies concerning the early history of the Sorbs are considered together with the question of migration.