The Wendish Research Exchange

Wenzel, Walter: The Name of the Village of Dohna and Traces of Early Old Czech Settlement in Saxony

mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 09:05 PM

Lětopis Abstract 2014 2: Wenzel, Walter: The Name of the Village of Dohna and Traces of Early Old Czech Settlement in Saxony

The close connections between the Old Czech and Old Sorbian language areas have frequently been the subject of academic investigation. The last investigation by Ernst Eichler came to particular conclusions on these problems, using the name of the village of Dohna as his starting point; these will be supplemented here by new findings. They not only include phonological features, which point to the existence of speakers of Old Czech in the region of Nisane and the adjacent area in the early medieval period, but also to particular place names, including above all the archaic names of Koso-budy/Žornosěky. The development of settlement patterns in the early Slav period can be illuminated more precisely in this way, and also our historical and archaeological knowledge can be extended through the use of revealing details.