The Wendish Research Exchange

Groß, Steffen: Why a Well-Understood National Consciousness and Nationalism are Two Totally Different Things

mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 09:21 AM

Lětopis Abstract 2011 2: Groß, Steffen: Why a Well-Understood National Consciousness and Nationalism are Two Totally Different Things

When you read Jan Skala’s programmatic work “Wo serbskich prašenjach” (1922) almost ninety years later, its incredible topicality is almost immediately apparent. It is very striking that current discussions often revolve around the question of the “protection” or the “preservation” of traditions etc. On the other hand, the development or statement of aims are seldom discussed. As a result, there is hardly any justification to talk of Sorbian nationalism, as Sorbs already lack a sufficiently broad national consciousness and a well-understood self interest in their own nationality. But if their national consciousness is underdeveloped, then their nationalism cannot be excessive, nor can it be too intense. It is more the case that the Sorbian people and many Sorbs (still) have a problematic tendency to question their own identity and to be at odds with it. Sorbs would do well to have a somewhat more self-confident, patriotic attitude based on an insight into their own origins, and to be conscious of the fact that cultural diversity is something of high value, which needs to be developed dynamically.