The Wendish Research Exchange

Roggan, Alfred: Sorbian (Wendish) Lieberose/Luboraz

mersiowsky - 10-6-2016 at 09:14 AM

Lětopis Abstract 2011 2: Roggan, Alfred: Sorbian (Wendish) Lieberose/Luboraz

In this illustrated study the author investigates the sources which provide evidence of the many centuries in which Sorbs and Germans have lived alongside each other in the Lower Lusatian town of Lieberose/Luboraz (currently around 2,000 inhabitants). He uses historical facts to illustrate this (the castle ramparts, early settlement), typical social conflicts from the feudal period, as well as elements specific to the literary, religious and cultural life of the town (e.g. the civic oath, church decrees, songs and traditional costumes).

In conclusion, he demonstrates that this small town, which was ceded in 1815 by Saxony to the kingdom of Prussia, is still marked today by Sorbian (Wendish) influences, which were active from the middle ages into the nineteenth century. In the succeeding 200 years this part of its culture and way of life has frequently been suppressed in the public awareness of the region.