The Wendish Research Exchange

Groß, Steffen: Lusatia and its Prospects. Observations Based on an Economic, Institutional Point of View

mersiowsky - 10-2-2016 at 02:19 PM

Lětopis Abstract 2010 2: Groß, Steffen: Lusatia and its Prospects. Observations Based on an Economic, Institutional Point of View

The theory of “New institutional economics” relates to a quite recent strand of economic theory, which claims to treat questions of the development and structuring of regions in a much comprehensive way than is the case with traditional economics. The starting point for this approach is the fact that institutions and institutional arrangements have more than purely short-term effects on the growth development potential of a region. “Development“ and “Growth” are in this context not only understood as quantitative economic growth but as development in an overall cultural sense, in which economic development is given an important role. This broad development and growth concept is possible, as the institutional concept is extended beyond the economic sphere in its narrower sense. Informal institutions are also included, such as traditions and understanding of traditions, cultural influences and attitudes, which have been passed down the generations, mentalities, awareness of landscape, as well as emotional ties, all of which have at the very least an influence on behaviour.

The main part aims to clarify the institutional structure of Lusatia, in particular the existing lines of conflict and contradictions. Finally, an answer is formulated to the question whether Lusatia has prospects and opportunities, an answer, which is tentatively positive.