The Wendish Research Exchange

Cunewalde, Saxony

mersiowsky - 9-27-2014 at 09:05 AM

Cunewalde -

Cunewalde - Wikipedia

From Meyers Orts:
Cunewalde, government district office Loebau, village and two knight’s estates (Middle Cunewalde and Lower Cunewalde), in Lusatian Mountains; Saxony, county office is Bautzen, lower district court is Neusalza, military district office is Zittau; 3181 residents in 1910; post office, telegraph and telephone, bus stop: 14 km to the train station in Loebau, train station and passenger train service in Middle Cunewalde: Grosspostwitz-Upper Cunewalde; court’s jurisdiction area, civil registration office, Protestant parish church; electricity, savings bank, wood wool shop, flower shop, laundry, brewery, weaving mill, bleaching, brick making, sawmill, - to the village: group of houses Fruehlingsberg, train station 1.m km; part of Klipphaefer, train station 2.5 km, passenger train service 2 km; group of houses Schaefereihaeufer, train station 2.5 km, passenger train service 1.5 km; part of Zieglerthal, train station 2 km, passenger train service 1 km.

Translated from
The village Cunewalde is located in the idyllic valley surrounded by the mountain range of the legendary Czorneboh (561m / 1795.2 feet) and the Bieleboh (499m / 1596.8 feet) in the middle of the Oberlausitzer hilly country between the cities Bautzen and Loebau. For the first time it was documentary mentioned in 1222. But it originated long before documents show. It is certain that Cunewalde already existed next to the Brettstrasse (board street) between Bautzen and Bohemian Zwickau, which was built around 1004.

The actual settlement took place in the 13th century, when Franconian and Thuringian settlers came via Saxony to the Lusatian hill country to look for a new home. The colonists came in long tracks with all their belongings. They found fertile pastures, crystal-clear water and forests rich in timber to build their first houses. They settled down by a creek in the direction of the mountains to the North and South on both sides of the creek "Cunewalder Wasser" and they cultivated the land into fields. Each settler got a small strip of land (Hufe) of up to 2.5 km /1.55 miles long. Most of the time this strip of land (Hufe) stretched from the farm to the ridge of the mountains out of granite, so that Cunewalde became a typically Waldhufendorf (wood-huf-village).

In Cunewalde was hardly any warlike conflict but they suffered just as much as those in waring areas. From 1631 until 1633 half of the population died because of the plague. In 1758 the 7 year war reached its bloody peak with the battle in Hochkirch. The Austrian General Daun used the Cunewalde valley in order to secretly form into line, so that they could overwhelm the Prussians with a sudden attack.

Cunewalde was a pure farming village. It is farming and forest-clearing, which secured the existence of the increasing number of inhabitants. Especially after the 30 years war trades developed. The linen weaving mill was established from the support of the Bohemian migrants. The Cunewalder linen ("Cunewalder Leimd") was of a high quality and had the best reputation far and wide. In many houses young and old people sat at handlooms from dawn until dusk, although they were poorly paid.

Because of the competitive textile industry, the (house-)weavers disappeared and the textile industry developed at the end of the 19th century. Cunewalde businesspersons were the first in Upper Lusatia, who built up bigger weaving halls and used more modern technology. Referring to this rapid development the transportation system had to keep up with it as well. A special milestone was the building of the train tracks between Grosspostwitz and Cunewalde (1890) and the extension to Obercunewalde (1896). In 1928 the train tracks were extended to Loebau.

Cunewalde has a lot of geographical variety. With 2322 hectares and its unique located valley, it is one of the biggest and most beautiful places in Upper Lusatia. The districts of Cunewalde, which were founded at different times, are situated at the bottom of the mountains. Schoenberg at the mountain called Herrnsberg, which was documented in 1317, when the knight Hecelin von Cunewalde sold the small town to the Domstift Budissin (Domstift Bautzen). Schoenberg stayed a self governed community until 1976. Halbau am Hochstein was founded around 1550. Cunewalde is 8 km/4.96 miles long and the attractive small village Halbau is situated at the edge of the forest at the east point. Klipphausen on Czorneboh is a beautiful place behind the 30 year old "Buschmuehle" (saw mill) where the Cunewalde Landlord Wolf Rudolf von Ziegler und Klipphausen let 15 migrants from Bohemian-Silesia settle. Friedrich Wilhelm von Ziegler und Klipphausen arranged the founding of the district Zieglertal on Bieleboh far away from the troubles of Cunewalde center in 1781.

Cunewalde is well known for its church. It is an imposing baroque building built in 1793, which underwent several rebuildings and renovations like the building of the 61m/195.2 feet high tower in 1893. It is also the largest village church in Germany - with 2632 seats and 3 galleries. Unique as well is the Lichterzug (procession) of the candidates for confirmation during the service at Christmas eve.

The numerous Upper Lusatian Umgebindehaeuser (houses with special architecture) are especially beautiful. There are 400 listed buildings and most of them are Umgebindehaeuser. Preserved with care they show the art and skill of the Cunewalde master builder.

Closely involved with Cunewalde are the life and works of the poet Wilhelm von Polenz (1861-1903). He was bom in Cunewalde, which inspired him to become an author. His most famous novel "Der Buettnerbauer" describes the decline of a rural family. He denounced his own nobility, because of its incapability to solve society's problems. Other novels, numerous poems and stories belong to his life's works as a poet. He also kept in contact with Levi Tolstoi for many years. His posthumous works can be seen in Polenz museum.

Today Cunewalde offers everything that one could expect in a village. There are small and middle sized companies, a new industrial area, numerous workshops, doctors, dentists, and an old peoples home. 16 clubs, a brass band, and a 125 year fire brigade tradition. That is where you can find the daily engagement of the community.

Cunewalde is still a popular tourist attraction. 12 restaurants, Berggasthoefe (small hotels) and especially the new "Haus des Gastes Blaue Kugel" is known for its hospitality, a good first impression and lasting memories. Some also like to visit the swimming pool in Cunewalde, where you can have a great time and enjoy the warm water (24°C) from May until September.

Cunewalde is this and much more in the most beautiful valley in Upper Lusatia.