The Wendish Research Exchange

B. 018. The Conversationalist

mersiowsky - 11-28-2014 at 10:43 AM

(From Jessen)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

My sweetheart comes here in the evenings,
My sweetheart comes here in the evenings,
It is very dark in the evenings.

'Oh dearly beloved darling mine,
Oh dearly beloved darling mine,
Stand up and let me in by you.’

"At night, I know no one, let me alone,
At night, I know no one, let me alone,
At night I let no one in.”

'Do you also not recognize me in the night,
Do you also not recognize me in the night,
Yes you might recognize my voice.’

'Yes at the quiet speaking you hear,
Yes at the quiet speaking you hear,
At the quiet knocking, who is there?’

"Yes now, it is not difficult to recognize you,
Yes now, it is not difficult to recognize you,
Alone I desire you no more.”

"You have spoken, a reproach to me,
You have spoken, a reproach to me,
From a great wonderful thing.”

'I have spoken from a drunken boldness,
I have spoken from a drunken boldness,
I yet conceal it with sober blood.’

"Indeed, do you also have such a long hand,
Indeed, do you also have such a long hand,
To hit the people in the land on the mouth:

"Indeed, do you also have such a large cloth,
Indeed, do you also have such a large cloth,
Enough to stop the mouths of the people?”

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