The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 084. The True Love and the Tale of the Beloved

mersiowsky - 5-12-2014 at 03:59 PM

From Lohsa
Translated by Joel Meador

‘Are you my love, true to me until the grave,
Are you my love, true to me until the grave,
So force my little Rösslein down from the mountain.’

The love that was so true to him is in the grave,
The love that was so true to him is in the grave,
It forces Rösslein to him from the mountain.

“Are you my lover, sent to act,
Are you my lover, sent to act,
So unimpeded down the mountain.”

The beloved who was sent to act,
The beloved who was sent to act,
He traveled unimpeded from the mountain.

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